Stop waking up sore and achy.
When you’re not getting enough sleep, it can start to affect your mental health. It’s difficult to concentrate; you can lose patience and even start to feel anxious. Tiredness may cause you to eat sugary convenience foods that give you a quick boost then send you further back down the health rollercoaster.*
Since we spend one-third of our lives sleeping, it’s worth investing in the best mattress you can afford. It’s not to say that a bad mattress can make you age prematurely but if you think about how much poor sleep can affect your mental and physical health, it’s not that much of a stretch.
Did you know that you can fix these health issues simply by swapping your mattress?
Medical experts have found that the surface you sleep on can affect the quality of sleep you have but because comfort is subjective, there are a few things to consider when choosing a mattress.
1 Is it too old?
Mattresses are household items we use every single day. But like most things, they have a best ‘use-by date. The problem is, we can’t easily tell when a mattress is past its prime. It’s not a ham sandwich.
2 Are you getting enough support?
It would help if your body had proper support during sleep. Because our spines are curved, we need to support that natural arch. If the spine pulls the wrong way, muscles, joints and ligaments can be affected.
The correct support also allows blood to flow naturally through capillaries and fine blood vessels. If your mattress feels lumpy or too soft, it might be time for a firmer one; alternatively, if your bed is too hard, that can lead to similar issues.
3 Too dusty?
Unfortunately, dust mites are common in our homes and since they love to feed on our dead skin cells and tend to bunker down in warm cosy places, they tend to end up in our mattresses en masse. Most people with dust allergies are actually allergic to the mites themselves, their feces and decaying bodies. Gross, we know. It’s a severe issue if you deal with asthma or allergies and one way to ensure that the mite colonies are under control is to replace your mattress every eight years.
4 Too Hot?
While there are plenty of medical reasons for night sweats, your mattress should not be one of them. If the foam is too dense or closely hugging your body, it could contribute to excessive heat retention. Some mattresses come with cooling technology so that’s worth investigating.
Time to go Mattress Shopping?
If replacing your mattress could mean you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day, reduce your caffeine dependence and give you more energy, it seems worth considering a replacement.
Tell us how long you’ve had your mattress (if you dare!) in the comments:
*This article is an opinion and does not provide medical advice or diagnosis. Please speak to your healthcare provider if you have any medical questions.